The Departments of Botany, Microbiology & Biotechnology organized a DBT sponsored Guest Lecture on “
New Frontiers in Biological Sciences” by Prof .S. Sita Rama Rao, Dept .of Botany, Osmania University, Hyd on 23rd June 2016 in old Seminar Hall of our College.
Inaugration of the Guest lecture by Plantation with Chief guest and all the Faculty members.
The Resource Person of the day, Prof.
S. Sita Rama Rao, Dept of Botany, Osmania University, Hyd delivered a talk on
the Stressed on Physiologic through the Pictographic examples of various plants and
their importance and survival under different stress conditions.
He also
encouraged the students regarding the current research issues. Research and
Development is essential in the field of Biological Sciences in order to face
the emerging demands for the production of various substances from the living
organisms which are used for the prevention and cure of diseases in our daily
The Programme was monitored by Dr, B. Siva
Kumari, DBT Coordinator, Mr. P.Srinivas Rao, HoD of Botany, M. Glory, HoD Dept of
Microbiology and Ms. V. Kavitha, HOD Dept of Biotechnology, all the Faculty members and Students
participated in this Workshop.
Rev .Fr Melchior in addressing the people during Inaugration.
Students listening to the Guest lecture.