Ms. Anusha showing coronary out growths in Calotrophis procera Linn ![]() |
SHUBHAM LUCAS - explaining the floral characters of Artabotrys odoratissimus Linn |
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Priyanka identifying the Sida plant in the herbal garden
Mangifera indica Linn
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Coriandrum sativum Linn |
Ebin Joseph showing the decompound leaf nature in coriandrum
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Barleria prionitis Linn Tomsy Antony observing the floral characters of Barleria |
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Coccinia indica Linn |
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Citrus aurantifolia L |
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Acyranthus aspera Linn |
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Ixora Indica Linn |
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Mimosa pudica Linn |
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P.S. Bhavani describing the floral characters of Achras sapota |
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Chrysanthimum indica Linn Durga Explaining the vegetative propagation method in Chrysanthimum sps
DB 132438 V.Vyshnavi. Ocimum sanctum:Mesophyte,Perinneal medium shrub,Tap root system,Aerial,Green,Herbacious,Hairy,Cylindrical,Solid,Cauline,Ramal,Opposite decosate,Exstipulate,Reticulate Vennation,Mixed infloursence thyrus,Br,Ebrl,Pedicillate,Complete,Zygomorphic,Dichlamydeous,HeterochlamydeousPentamerous Hypogynous,Cyclic,k5,Gamosepalous,1/4Pattern,Valvate aestavation,C5,Gamosepalous,4/1 Bilimbed Corolla,Valvate Aestavation,A4(2+2)Posterior Stamen Absent,Gynecium Bicarpellary,Syncarpus,Tetralocular,Ovary Superior.Leaves and fruits are Medicinally Important
ReplyDeleteDear Vyshanavi,
ReplyDeletegood presentation, kindly check last line- spelling for important
DB 132421 p.s.lalitha bhavani.Achras sopta:Mesophte,shurb or tree,Tap root system,aerial,erect,brown,woody,laticiferous ducts,cylindrical,solid,cauline,ramal,alternate,spiral,leathery.petiolate, non-sheathing; simple. Lamina entire; pinnately veined; cross-venulate. Leaves stipulate (rarely), or exstipulate. Lamina margins entire. Domatia occurring in the family; manifested as pits. Flowers solitary, or aggregated in ‘inflorescences’. when aggregated, in cymes, or in panicles.Br,Brl,pedicillate,complete,antimorphic,Dichlamydeous,heterochlamydeous,polymerous,hypogynous,cyclic,K4or5or6,polysepalous,imbricate.C3-6or8, gamopetalous; imbricate.A:4–15. Androecial members adnate (to the corolla); free of one another;Staminodes 2, or 3, or 4, or 5; when present, external to the fertile stamens.Gynoecium(2–)4–14(–30) carpelled syncarpous; eu-syncarpous; superior-Ovary(2–)4–14(–30) locular,axile-Placentation.Fruit is a Edible fruit.
ReplyDeleteDear Bhavani,
ReplyDeleteGood explanation, do the following corrections-1 space is required between the words 2. fruit -fleshy berry, edible. white milky latex- chicle is present.
ReplyDeletePlant name - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Mesophyte perennial shurb,aerial erect woody,alternate simple,axillary(or)terminal cymose,Br,brl,pedicillate,complete,bisexual,actinomorpic,dichlamydous,heterochlamydous,
pentamerous,hypogynous.cyclic,calyx(5)gamocephalous,corolla 5 polypetalous with twisted type of aestavation,Indefinite stamens,pentacarpellary syncarpous pentalocular with many ovules on axile placentation,ovary superior
It is an ornamental plant
Dear Vamsi,
ReplyDeletegood presentation, do the following corrections. Brl, space between the technical words, staminal tube formation in the androecium.
ReplyDeletePlant name - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Mesophyte perennial shurb,aerial erect woody,alternate simple,axillary(or)terminal cymose, Br,Brl,pedicillate,complete,bisexual,actinomorpic,dichlamydous, heterochlamydous,
pentamerous,hypogynous.cyclic,calyx(5)gamocephalous,corolla5,polypetalous with twisted type of aestavation,Indefinite stamens,the filaments of all the stamens fused together &forms a tube like structure around gynoecium called staminal tube,on the staminal tube numerous,monothecious,extrose,kidney shaped anthers are present.pentacarpellary syncarpous pentalocular with many ovules on axile placentation,ovary superior
It is an ornamental plant
ReplyDeleteCalotropis procera
Family- Asclepiadaceae
xerophyte,a perennial herb,tap root system,aerial,erect,herbaceous above,
woody below,branched,cylindrical,solid,both cauli&ramel,opposite decuatte,
cymose,axillary umbellate type,Br,Ebrl,pedicillate,complete,bisexual,actinomorpic
dichlamedyous,heterochlamedyous,pentamerous,hypogynous,cyclic,sepals 5,polysepalous
petals(5)gamopetalous,stamens 5,epipetalous,present at the tip of the gynoecium,
anthers fused with gynoecium called as gynostegium,anthers are present at each angle of
penta angular disc,pollen grains present in sac-like structure called pollinium
bicarpellary,apocarpous,unilocular with many ovules on marginal placentation.
ovary superior.
Fruit- a pair of follicle
ReplyDeletemesophytes some are xerophytes perennial herbs weak stemmed plant simple opposite decussate heaf inflorescence small floretes perepherialray florets central disc florets in flower disc flower Br Ebrl sessile complete dichlamydeous heterochlamydeous pentamerous epigynous cyclic indisc is reduced to tust hairystructure called pappus 5 Gamopetalous in ray florates out of 5 petals 3 patals are fused Ligulate 2 patals reduced valvate aestivation in disc floretes 5 stamens syngenesious condition Anther are dithecous basifixed introse Bicarpellory unilocular syncarpous inferior ovary basal placentation style terminal stigma bifid cross pollination cypsella ornamental plant
Amma durga,
Deleteno plant name. What is this?
Amma Durga,
ReplyDeleteWrite the name of the plant. mention the characters of Chrysanthimum. dont give general description
1. Citrus medica – Rutaceae family
2. A perennial shrub, woody,erect, leaves- cauline and ramal,aromatic nature,incomplete,monoembryonic seeds,fruit- hesperidium,multicarpellary, self pollination
3. Uses: Rich in VIT-C – Scurvy, fruit – stomach cancer, kidney stones and low blood pressure
Dear Usha,
ReplyDeleteFlowers are complete, delete monoembryonic word, self pollination
leaves unipinnately compound leaves
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteCalotropis procera
Family- Asclepiadaceae
xerophyte,a perennial herb,tap root system,aerial,erect,herbaceous above,
woody below,branched,cylindrical,solid,both cauli&ramel,opposite decuatte,
cymose,axillary umbellate type,Br,Ebrl,pedicillate,complete,bisexual,actinomorpic
dichlamedyous,heterochlamedyous,pentamerous,hypogynous,cyclic,sepals 5,polysepalous
petals(5)gamopetalous,stamens 5,epipetalous,present at the tip of the gynoecium,
anthers fused with gynoecium called as gynostegium,anthers are present at each angle of
penta angular disc,pollen grains present in sac-like structure called pollinium
bicarpellary,apocarpous,unilocular with many ovules on marginal placentation.
ovary superior.
Fruit- a pair of follicle
Dear Anusha,
DeleteInflorescence is extra axillary in its position, check the terminology.
R.sailaja.db -132406
ReplyDeleteMurraya koenigii (curry leaf)
It is mesophyte,perennial tree,shurb,mesophyte,tap root system,erect,woody green,cylindrical.
Ramal,cauline.extipulate,petiolate,compound leaf.panicle.flower - pedicellate,ebracteate,ebracteolate,complete,
Calyx-4,corolla-5,androecium-8 to 10,stamens free,gynoecium 1 to many.
Dear sailaja,
Deletecheck the space, Mention the floral characters of murraya not the family characters
R.sailaja.db -132406
DeleteMurraya koenigii (curry leaf)
It is mesophyte,perennial shurb,
Tap root system,
stem is erect,aerial woody green,cylindrical,arromatic oily.
leaf is Both cauline and ramal,alternate simple,uni pinnet compound leaf,extipulate,ovate,entire,acute,reticulate venation,herbaceous.
cymose inflorescence.
flower isBr,Ebrl,pedicillate,complete,bisexual,actinomorpic,hypogynous.
Calyx(5),gamosepalous valvate aestivation.
corolla(5),polypetalous,imbricate aestivation.
Androecium 10 stamens,Gynoceium bicarpellary,syncarpous,superiour ovary,unilocular,axiale placentation.
fruit is berry,false fruit.
Sunad praharshitha DB-15
ReplyDeletePlant name :Mimosa pudica,Family:Fabaceae
herb,mesophtye,taproot system,aerial, erect,green,herdaceous,branched,spiny,cyclindrical,solid,Both cauline and ramel, bipinnately compound, with one or two pinnae pairs, and 10–26 leaflets per pinna.inflorescence: is commonly a capitulum ,flower Br,Ebrlpedicellate,complete,bisexual, zygomorphic,dichlamydeous,heterochlamydeous,pentamerous,hypogynousor perigynousang cyclic.K5:gamosepalous valvate aestivation,C5 polypetalous with,twisted aestivation.Andrecium:rarely asfewas 10,The stamens are distinct to strongly monadelphous,Gynoceium:ovary mono carpellary unilocular with 2-many marginal ovules in a solitary locule. The fruit is usually a legume.
Dear praharshita,
ReplyDeletecheck the mimosa family, ramal, perigynous and spell check for androecium.
Tomsy Antony DB-34
ReplyDeletePlant name: Barleria prionitis.
Mesophyte, tropical herbs or shrubs, tap root system,leaves simple, opposite, decussated , extipulate; inflorescence spike, raceme or cyme; flower bractiate, calyx (4 or 5), valvate aestivation; corolla bilipped tubular, androecium, stamens 2 or 4, dydinous; gynecium ovary superior , bacarpallete with axile placentation; fruit localised capsule, seeds attached to hooked stalk modified funiculus called jaculator.
Linta mol Mathew
Plant name: Hamelia petens
Meosophyte, perennial shrub, tap root system, leaves simple, opposite with interpetiolar stipules, inflorescence cyme, flowers bractiate,actinomorphic, calyx 4-5, basically fused lobes, corolla is sympetalous with 4-5 lobes, stamens are 4-5, anthers are longitudinal indehiscence, gynecium sincarpous with inferior ovary on axile placentation, fruit is berry, capsule.
Linta mol Mathew,
Deletemention the importance of the plant
Dilna Jose
Plant name: Tridox procumbens
Mesophyte, annual herbaceous weed, tap root system, procumbend herbaceous stem, leaves opposite, decussated , extipulate, head inflorescence, bracts together form involucre, small flowers called florets, disc and ray floret, calyx hair like structure called rappus, coralla 5, andrecium absent in ray floret and synganacious in disc floret, inferior ovary in ray floret and absent in disc floret.
Dilna Jose,
ReplyDeleteplz check, many mistakes in your technical description.
ReplyDeleteCalotropis procera
Family- Asclepiadaceae
Xerophyte,a perennial herb,tap root system,aerial,erect,herbaceous above,
woody below,branched,cylindrical,solid,both cauli&ramel,opposite decuatte,
cymose,Extra axillary umbellate type,Br,Ebrl,pedicillate,complete,bisexual,actinomorpic
dichlamedyous,heterochlamedyous,pentamerous,hypogynous,cyclic,sepals 5,polysepalous
petals(5)gamopetalous,stamens 5,epipetalous,present at the tip of the gynoecium,
anthers fused with gynoecium called as gynostegium,anthers are present at each angle of
penta angular disc,pollen grains present in sac-like structure called pollinium
bicarpellary,apocarpous,unilocular with many ovules on marginal placentation.
ovary superior.
Fruit- a pair of follicle
Ebin Joseph
Plant name:Coriandrum sativum
Taproot system
Both cauline and ramel,decompound leaf,exstipulate,petiolate
Axillary,recemose,compound umbel inflorescence,
Bractiate,bractiolate,complete,bisexual,peripheral zygomorphic floret,central actinomorphic floret,dichlamydeous,heterochlamydeous,pentamerous,epigynous,cyclic
Calyx(5),gamosepalous valvate aestivation
Corolla 5 polypetalous,twisted aestivation
Andrecium 5,polyandrous,dithecous,introse,dorsifixed,
Bicarpellary,syncarpous,bilocular,single ovule,axile placentation,style terminal,stigma bifid,inferior ovary,stylopodium
DB 132421 p.s.lalitha bhavani.Achras sopta:Mesophte,shurb or tree,Tap root system,aerial,erect,brown,woody,laticiferous ducts,cylindrical,solid,cauline,ramal, alternate, spiral, leathery. petiolate, non-sheathing; simple. Lamina entire; pinnately veined; cross-venulate. Leaves stipulate (rarely), or exstipulate. Lamina margins entire. Domatia occurring in the family; manifested as pits. Flowers solitary, or aggregated in ‘inflorescences’. when aggregated, in cymes, or in panicles.Br,Brl,pedicillate,complete, antimorphic, Dichlamydeous, heterochlamydeous, polymerous, hypogynous, cyclic, K4 or 5 or 6,polysepalous,imbricate.C3-6or8, gamopetalous; imbricate.A:4–15. Androecial members adnate (to the corolla); free of one another; Staminodes 2, or 3, or 4, or 5; when present, external to the fertile stamens.Gynoecium(2–)4–14(–30) carpelled syncarpous; eu-syncarpous; superior-Ovary(2–)4–14(–30) locular, axile-Placentation. Fruit -fleshy berry, edible. white milky latex- chicle is present.
ReplyDeleteSunad praharshitha DB-12
ReplyDeleteMimosa pudica, Mimosaceae, herb, mesophyte, tap root, aerial, erect, green, herbaceous, branched, spiny, cyclic, solid, both cauline and ramal, bipinnately compound with 1-2 pinnae and 10-26 leaflets per pinna, capitulum, Br, Ebrl, pedicellate, complete, bisexual, zygomorphic, dichlamydeous, heterochlamydeous, pentamerous, hypogynous, cyclic, k-5, gamosepalous, valvate aestivation, C-5 polypetalous, twisted aestivation, A-10, distinct stamens, strongly monoadelphous, G: ovary monocarpellary, unilocular with 2 to many marginal ovules in a solitary locule, legume fruit, foliage closes when a slight stimuli is given, seismonastic movement, leaves flowers and roots medicinally important, roots- treatment for leprosy, dysentery vaginal and uterine complaints
ReplyDeleteDB 13
Santalum album, santalaceae, mesophyte , evergreen tree, tap root, aerial, erect, woody, cauline & ramal, opposite, ovate, glabrous with reticulate venation, small, purplish brown, axillary clusters of flowers, paniculate cymes, globose, fleshy drupe, gamosepalous. Valvate / imbricate aestivation, Polypetalous, imbricate aestivation, 10 stamens , dithecous , introse, longitudinal dehisence, monocarpellary , 3 or 4 ovules, superior ovary, wood- fuel, oil, folk medicine
plant name Bixa orellana
ReplyDeletebixaceae family
shrub, tap root system, aerial, erect,green,herbacious, branched, ultimate cymose, terminal, regular hypogynous,branchedpanicles, 5 polysepalous 5 polypetalous, (50-150) many polystemenous, tetrasporangiate,octosporangiate, 2-4 carpels, syncarpous, superior ovaary,1 locular
fruit is a capsule
The shoots and young leaves are used as feverish infection, hepatisis, in some plant amazon annato used as snakebite
sivamohan DB* 23
usha please kindly take good image of citrus
Plant name:Adhathoda vasica
Mesophyte,Herbacious,Perenial shurb,Taproot system,Aerial,errect,green,branched,Leaves are Simple,opposite,Ovate-Lanceolate,Accute and Shiny,Flowers are white in colour,Capsule shape,Bracteate,Bracteolate,complete,Zygomorphic,Hypogynous,Pentamerous,cyclic,Polyandrous,Bicarpellary,Bilocular,Syncarpous,Ovary Superior,Fruit capsule.
Uses:To relieve cough,Cold, Asthma,dislocated joint, urinary infection.
Plant name:Centella asiatica
Root system:Tap root system,Aerial,weak,creeping, green,herbacious,aromatic,angular,fistular,hairy and cylindrical,leaves are borne on precardial petioles,flowers are white or pinkish to red in colour borne in small rounded bunches called umbels,Calyx is absent,Coralla 5unfused,reddish-white petals,5 unfused stamens,inferior ovule has two locules, each with single seed,Fruit is flattened, brown samara with ridges throughout.
Uses:Herb is used for treatment of Leprosy, Lupus,ulcres,fever and wound healing.
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