Monday, September 4, 2017

2-09-2017- Officials Visited the Labs and Gardens


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  2. P.Srividya
    Submitting to the assignment...

    1.Define Embroyoloy.Name the eminent Indian embryology?
    The sum total of changes that occur during the development of a mature embryo from a zygote or oospore is known as embryology,i.e;it deals with the formation,deveolopment,structure and functonal activities of embroyos.
    panchanan maheshwari: Yhe originater of indian plant embroylogy is one of the eminate indian embryologist.

    2.Define Tapetum?
    The tapetum is a specialised layer of nutritive cells found within the anther,of flowering plants,located between the sporogenous tissue and anther well It is innermost layer of microsporangium.and provides nourishment to the devoloping pollen grains.

    3.Define endothecium?
    The endothecium is the second lining of the anther wall.the cells endothecium are radically elongated and shows fibrous bands.the fibrous bands.the fibrous bands are hygroscopic in nature the endothecial cells helps in the dehiscence of anther at maturity due to dehiscence of anther at maturity due to presence of fibrous bands. the endothecium is aslo calld as fibrous layer.

    4.What is meant by Microspore?
    microspores are any of the spores in heterosporous plants that give rise to male gametophytes and are smaller than mega spores. the microspores are haploid and are produced from diploid microsporocytes by meiosis the microsporocytes in the microsporangia undergoes meiosis producing four haploid microspores. lster develpos into pollen grains.

    5.Define palynology?
    the study of structure of pollen grain(External and internal morphology of pollen grains and spores)is known as palynology.

    6.Define megasporangium and mention the types ?
    the structure in certain spore bearing plants in which the megaspores are formed:corresponds to the ovule in the seed.
    one the basics of the position of micropyle with respect to the funical,ovulresare classified into.orthotropous ovule , Anatropous ovule , Hemitropous, Campylotropous ovule, Amphitropous ovule and circinotropous ovule.

    7.Define Monosporic, Bisporic and Tetrasporic type of embryo sacs?
    If a single megaspore is involved in the formation of embryo sac, it is called as MONOSPORIC TYPE OF EMBRYO SAC.
    Ex: Polygonum type, Oenothera type.
    If two megaspores nuclei take part in the formation of embryo sac, it is known as BIO
    Ex: Allium type, Endymion type
    If embryo sac develops from all the four megaspore nuclei, it is known as tetrasporic type of embryo sac.
    Ex: Adoxa type,drusa type, peperomia type.

  3. P. Srividya
    NB - 24
    Submitting the remaining assignment...
    Good evening MADAM.

    8.Define fertilization.Who coined the term fertilization?
    Fertilization is the process by which male and female gametes are fused together, initiating the development of a new organism. It is also known as syngamy. The term fertilization was coined by Strassberger.

    9. Define double fertilization and triple fusion?
    Double fertilization is the fertilization process characteristic of flowing plants, in which one sperm cell of pollen grain fertilizes an egg cell while a second fuses with two polar nuclei to produce triploid body that gives rise to the endosperm.
    Triple fusion is the fusion of the male gamete with two polar nuclei inside the embryo sac of an angiosperm.

    10. What is endosperm and mention the types?
    The endosperm is the tissue produced inside the seeds of most of the flowering plants. It forms the surrounding tissue around the growing embryo. It is the primary storage tissue which provides starch and other nutrients to the growing embryo. Nuclear, Cellular and Helobial are the three main types of endosperm development.

    11. Define Ruminate type of endosperm?
    Testa or seed coat folded into the endosperm is called as Ruminate endosperm. In this condition the endosperm is dissected by ingrowths of the seed coat. It forms the seed coat intrudes inward via meristematic family.
    Ex: Arecaceae family, Annonaceae family.

    12. Define Helobial endosperm?
    In Helobial endosperm division of PEN is followed by a transverse wall which divides the embryo sac into smaller chalazal chamber and larger micropylar chamber. Then the nuclei in each chamber divide by free nuclear division. The endosperm in chalazal chamber degenerates and wall develops between nuclei in micropylar chamber which produces cellular endosperm.

    13. Write the differences between Dicot and Monocot embryo?
    Dicot embryo:-
    a) There are two cotyledons attached to an embryonal axis.
    b) plumule occurs distally.
    c) Coleoptile and coleorhiza, scutellum are absent.
    d) Suspensor is large.
    e) Cotyledons are large.
    Monocot embryo:-
    a) Only one cotyledon attached to the embryonal axis.
    b) Plumule is lateral.
    c) Scutellum is present.
    d) Suspensor is comparatively larger.
    e) Coleorhiza is present.

    14. Define scutellum?
    The term scutellum refers to the equivalence of a thin cotyledon in monocots (especially members of the grass family). It is very thin with high surface area and serves to absorb nutrients from the endosperm during germination.

    15. Define polyembryony?
    Polyembryony is the phenomenon of two or more embryos developing from a single fertilized egg. Due to the embryos resulting from the same egg, the embryos are identical to one another but are genetically diverse from the parents.

    16. Mention the objectives of polyembryony?
    The objectives of polyembryony was to evaluate the frequency of polyembryony and to identify zygote and zygotic and nuclear seedlings.
    Ex: Citrus
