Friday, December 27, 2013


                                                  ONE DAY SEMINAR ON  

The Department of Botany organized a one day seminar on the theme' CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES' on the topic' YUVATHA- JALABHAVITHA' on 29-12-2013 at the old seminar hall.
       The seminar began with the words of welcome by the HoD,  Dr. B. Siva Kumari,  she enlightened the students with his analysis on present day scenario on natural resources and need to learn the conservation aspects, role of students in the conservation of water

         Sri. A. Vara Prasada Rao, Deputy Director, Ground Water Department, Andhra Pradesh,  was the resource person , he explained the importance of water, various methods of conservation to save water bodies, he also enlightened the students regarding their carrier. He explained about the value of the water, the problems which are going to be faced by the future generations, if we continue the wastage of natural resources. 

Natural resources occur naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind, in a natural form. A natural resource is often characterized by amounts of biodiversity and geodiversity existent in various ecosystems.

 The programme monitored  by Dr. B. Siva Kumari, Mr. P. Srinivasa rao, Mr. K. Bala Chanda and Ms. S. Glory and students leaders.

Monday, December 23, 2013


                                   CHRISTMAS   CELEBRATIONS


On behalf of the Department I would like to congratulate  all the students of  Botany Department who won first prize in the Crib making on the eve of Christmas celebrations on 23rd Dec, 2013.

Fr. Vice- Principal with the students

                           Celebrating the  First prize Joy

Live  Christamas  Crib

Tuesday, December 3, 2013




        On the third of December the Department of Botany of Andhra Loyola College has conducted a field trip to Dr. Y. S. R. Horticultural Research Station, Venkataramannagudem for final year B.Sc. (DB, DZ) Students under the guidance of  Dr. B. Siva Kumari, Head of the Department of Botany, Andhra Loyola College

       A group of thirty students were reached safely to the institution where they were received by the Scientists, The students were taken to the Administrative Block and had a glimpse of the various offices in the institute. With a short introduction about the institution the students were guided to the newly installed Post Harvesting Management section where students learnt about the new technology of cleaning, drying, waxing, and grading of different types of fruits. They were also explained about the ripening, pre cooling and storage chambers, the students were fascinated to see the new technology       
        Then the students were shown the College of the institute on training new technologies in Horticulture for B. Sc. (Homs)    and M. Sc Horticulture they were also shown and explained the project works of Horticulture students  where they had a chance to see different types of tuber crops which are genetically modified. They also observed different types of flowers which are also part of the student projects. After the lunch in the institute hostel all went to see the cultivation of tuber crops, especially the tapioca which is stem propagation. After that they were led to the department of Entomology

               Thanks to Dr. B. Siva Kumari, Head of the Department of Botany, Andhra Loyola College,  Dr. J. Chandrashekar Rao, and    Mr. P. Srinivasa Rao, Lecturers of the same department, and Mr. Srinivas the lab assistant who were always with the students and guided during this trip we also thank the management of Andhra Loyola College for giving us this opportunity to have this exposure   


                   BEST LECTURER AWARD  IN  BOTANY


        Dr.B.Siva Kumari, Dept. of Botany, have been presented with the State Level Best Lecturer Award and Certificate of Excellence in their respective subjects for the academic year 2012-2013 by the Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, at the valedictory function of Yuva Tharangam 2013 held at Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University, Hyderabad, on 30th November 2013.

Dr. B. Siva Kumari  Lecturer in Botany  awarded  Best Lecturer in Botany by the Commissionerate of College Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh on 30th Nov, 2013 for the academic year 2012-13 based on API score.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

ALC Fr. V.A. Mathew, SJ Herbal Garden

   I am happy to inform you that the Herbal Garden being maintained by the Department of  our College  is now registered  with the official website  of Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic plants, National Medicinal Plant Board, Government of India, In the name of  ALC Fr. V.A. Mathew, SJ Herbal Garden.

You can visit the website' Herbal Gardens of India to see our Herbal Garden.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Conservation of water MICROIRRIGATION

         When Technology is cited as a cause for environmental destruction, we, at Andhra Loyola College, use the same Technology for watering the lawns through Drip Irrigation and reduce the water wastage. 

           The Department of Botany always believes that wisely- used Technology is the panacea to all the problems in any field and hence grabbed every opportunity to excel in accumulating and applying the knowledge in teaching Botany subject.  Bringing Drip Irrigation into the lawns and gardens of ALC is one such endeavour

Drip irrigation has enabled farmers, nursery growers, and landscapers to conserve water for decades.  This has become possible primarily because drip irrigation technology applies water slowly and directly to the targeted plant's root zone in contrast to gravity or sprinkler irrigation.  In addition, drip irrigation technology has extremely high application uniformity, even when pressures vary from hilly terrain or long lengths of run, or where planted areas are in odd shapes.

Conservation of water

Sprinklers arrangement in the garden

Drip Irrigation/ Micro Irrigation

Now a days, it has become more important than ever to make optimum use of water resources wisely and to irrigate intelligently.  Consequently, industries, agriculture sector and institutions have turned to drip irrigation and improved profitability by increased crop yield and quality, while, at the same time, reducing costs on water, energy, labor, chemical inputs and water runoff.  Many landscapers are also enjoying significant water and capital investment savings through drip irrigation, while simultaneously improving plant vigor by delivering water and nutrients directly to the plant roots and avoiding unnecessary wetting of plant leaves. 

Significance of Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is the targeted, intelligent application of water, fertilizer, and chemicals that, when used properly, can provide great benefits such as:
Increased Revenue from Increased Yields
Increased Revenue from Increased Quality
Reduced Water Costs
Reduced Labor Costs
Reduced Energy Costs
Reduced Fertilizer Costs
Reduced Pesticide Costs
Improved Environmental Quality
Drip irrigation clearly improves profitability and facilitates better use of resources in the most economical manner. 

Thanks to the Management of  Andhra Loyola College for providing   financial support for the establishment of Micro irrigation  systems.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

‘Regulation of Ecological Consequences For Sustainable Development’ 22-07-2013

The Department of Botany organized a guest lecture on Regulation of Ecological Consequences for Sustainable Development on 22nd July, 2013, at 2.00 p.m at seminar hall. Dr. P. Bramhaji Rao Assistant Professor in Environmental Science, Acharya Nagarjuna University delivered his talk, he explained the importance environmental protection and impact of Global warming and other pollutants for the sustainable development of Ecological systems.

The environmental awareness week ended with the prize distribution   Dr. Vidya Kanna , Director of Jana Sikshana Samstan was the chief guest,  she encouraged the students with her  talk, she clearly explained the importance of the conservation of Natural resources. 

Friday, July 19, 2013



                                       SLOGAN WRITING COMPETITIONS    20-07-2013

The dept of Botany organized Slogan  Writing competitions on 20th July, on the given topic--- Need of the protection of Environment” about 200 students of all the depts,  actively participated in this competition and expressed their ideas and insights.

Dr. T. Rose Mary and Mr. P. Srinivasa Rao acted as Judges for this event.
The Prize winners were-
Ist Prize                  ---  M. Sreedhar- DGH-3
IInd Prize               ----Sree sarasija- AP- 48
IIIrd Prize               ---- Tony Yesudas DB-02

The highlighted  slogans were


                                     DRAWING COMPETITIONS   19-07-2013

                                                        SAVE NATURE

The dept of Botany organized Drawing  competitions on 19th July, on the given topic---“ SAVE NATURE” about 50 students of all the depts,  actively participated in this competition and expressed their ideas through colours.

 Fr. B. Bala Showry and Ms. Glory acted as judges for this event

The prize winners were                                                          
 Ist prize    ----       K. Prianka-NZ-23     
                  IInd prize  ...... Alex Raja reddy-AFC-19                 IIIrd  Prize      - Neethu PrABBA-11aksh-



Wednesday, July 17, 2013


              ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS WEEK- 18-07-2013

The Dept of Botany observing Environmental Awareness Week from 18th July to 22 July 2013 to create an awareness and to impart knowledge about the environment and its conservation aspects.An Environmental Awareness is important because it helps to spread environment education, especially in the non-formal system among different sections of the society. It also facilitates the development of education or training materials and aids in the official education area.

On the eve of this, the Dept organized the following events. 

                  ESSAY WRITING COMPETITIONS- 18-07-2013

The Dept of Botany organized an  Essay Writing competitions on 18th July, on the given topic---“EARTH FOR TOMORROW” about 100 students of all the Depts,  actively participated in this competition and expressed their ideas and insights.


 Fr. P. Anil Kumar, Dr. B. Siva Kumari and Mr. K. Balachandra judged this event.

The prize winners were

Ist Prize                        ---- Arockia Raj -NB-4
IInd Prize                      ---- V.V.N. Ajay-DZ-19
IIIrd Prize                     ---- D. Gayathri-AZ-27

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The Dept of Botany organized a Guest lecture on Career guidance for Biological students.  The program was organized on the 10th of July (Wednesday) 2013.Rev. Fr .G.A.P. Kishore, Principal of Andhra Loyola College, Rev. Fr. P. Anil Kumar, Vice- Principal,  Dr. Mrs .B.Siva Kumari, Head of the Dept Botany, Mr.K. Bala Chandra ,Head of the Dept  Microbiology. Staff members of the Dept, all the students of Biology section especially the freshers attended the session.The Guest Lecture was delivered by Dr.V. Naga Lakshmi, Director, IMIS Pharmaceuticals, Vijayawada.

The program started  with a prayer song by Degree (3rd B.Sc) students followed by Welcome Speech by Mr. Balachandra, Head of the Dept. Microbiology .Fr. P. Anil Kumar addressed the gathering with his inspiring speech regarding the future of students .He praised the Dept for organizing such innovative program. He also spoke about achievement of various goals for career development.
Dr.V.Naga Lakshmi, Director, IMIS Pharmaceuticals, was invited as the Guest speaker for the program. She nicely motivated the students regarding their future aspects in Biology. she exclaimed that there is drastic downfall of students pursuing Biology / Life sciences. This is mainly due to lack of awareness among the students as well as parents regarding Life science courses. Madam explained the importance of medicinal plants, Nursery maintenance Green house, Landscaping, etc as part of the career guidance and development.

She also motivated the students regarding the current research activities and shared her inspiring and thought creating experiences. 

She concluded her speech by motivating the students towards UGC projects, Pharma and drug industries and created awareness among the students for their career development. All the students participated enthusiastically till the end of the program and finally it was knowledge giving, encouraging and thought evoking theme for all the upcoming life science graduates.

    The program ended with vote of thanks by Tony of final B.Sc.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


                               WORLD BIODIVERSITY ( 22-05-2013)

Cities are a ray of hope on biodiversity front

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Even the busiest cities have sections covered with greenery

The fruit of the endangered Calabash tree and cup-shaped leaf of Krishna’s butter cup, Ficus Krishnae, at the Andhra Loyola College in Vijayawada.

The fruit of the endangered Calabash tree and cup-shaped leaf of Krishna’s butter cup, Ficus Krishnae, at the Andhra Loyola College in Vijayawada.

Today (May 22) is yet another United Nations-designated International Day for Biodiversity. Cities occupy only 2 per cent of earth’s surface, but their inhabitants use up 75 per cent of the planet’s resources building concrete jungles. While the overall scenario appears bleak, there is a ray of hope with the cities emerging better repositories of biodiversity compared to the huge agricultural tracks that surround them.

Even the busiest cities have sections covered with greenery. The canopies are temporary or permanent homes to a variety of avian fauna. By definition biodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms within an ecosystem.

Vijayawada city too has areas and road margins covered with trees that are decades old. These trees are being cut down gradually and periodically to make space for new buildings or wider thoroughfares.

The relatively rare Indian Hornbill which cannot be seen in any of the rural tracks of Krishna district is a regular visitor to areas with a thick canopy in the city.
Then there is flora (herbs, shrubs and trees) that has been brought and planted in the city for various reasons. Andhra Loyola College Botanical Garden is an oasis of biodiversity. Botany Department head B. Siva Kumari told The Hindu that there are over 600 species of endemic, rare and endangered flora in their botanical gardens.

The Calabash tree which is on the IUCN list of endangered trees is thriving in the gardens. The tree bears fruits only when bats pollinate it. Yet another miracle of biodiversity--the tree that is actually native to Central and South America has become naturalised to India, Ms. Siva Kumari observes pointing out the role of arboreal life forms.

“We are aware of the significance of biodiversity and trying to preserve that as much as possible. College is shifting to solar energy and energy-efficient systems,” says Andhra Loyola College Principal G.A. Peter Kishore.

Efforts are needed to preserve the biodiversity immediately surrounding us. This will sensitise all on the great diversity of nature and help in preservation of ecosystem as a whole, says Ms. Siva Kumari.

  • Vijayawada city too has areas and road margins covered with trees
  • Efforts are needed to preserve the biodiversity, says a teacher
  • Sunday, April 21, 2013




    Andhra Loyola College
    Department of Botany
    Vijayawada-520008, Andhra Pradesh, India.

    Phone: 0866-2476082
    Mobile: +91 9885766438

    Applications are invited for the following position to work in the UGC sponsored Major Research Project entitled “Biology – Nano – Materials – Green Nanotechnology” for three years. The position is tenable up to 31th March 2016 or till the end of the project.
    Designation:   Project fellow
    No of Positions: One
    Job Description: Selected candidate has to assist the Principal Investigator and carry out research experiments under the scientific supervision of Principal Investigator and also work in a team environment.
    Qualifications: M.Sc / M.Tech (Botany, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology)
    Consolidated pay for Month: 14,000/- (1&2 Year), 16,000/- 3rd Year
    Interested Candidates are requested to send their applications to the Principal Investigator on or before May 5th 2013. Selected candidates will be called for an interview before the Selection Committee for which TA/DA will not be paid. The decision to fill or not to fill the post rests with the Selection Committee.

    Dr. B. Siva Kumari,
    Principal Investigator,
    UGC-Major Research Project,
    Head Department of Botany,
    Andhra Loyola College,
    E -mail:


    1.      Only eligible candidates are required to apply.

    2.      The contract is purely temporary and initially only for a period of one year but extendable if work is found satisfactory on year to year basis for a period not exceeding 3 years or till the completion of the project.

    3.      JRF candidate admitted in the scheme is expected to join the Ph. D programme.

    4.      Candidates have to fully devote their time for the project work and are not allowed to join any other course (part/ full time).

    5.      Maximum age limit is 28 years.

    6.      Candidates who wish to leave the project in between have to inform the PI in writing at least 3 months before or till other personnel is employed in the project, whichever is earlier.

    7.      Selection will be made purely as per the UGC and University guidelines subject to approval by UGC. No TA/ DA will be paid for either attending the interview or while joining the project.

    8.      Completed applications in the prescribed proforma should reach the following address on or before May 5th 2013 by post/ e-mail.

    9.      Address for Correspondence:

                  Dr. B. SIVA KUMARI, 
                   HEAD DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, 
                  ANDHRA LOYOLA COLLEGE, 

    10.  Separate interview letter will be sent along with the time, date and venue of interview. Candidates have to appear before the selection committee with all relevant documents, certificates in original and if selected, should join the project immediately.

    11.  If any false information is provided by the candidates and is found guilty, necessary action will be taken and the candidate has to refund all the payments made to him/her.

    (Dr. B. Siva Kumari)
    Principal Investigator


    Name in full
    : Male / Female
    Date of birth
    Father’s name
    Address for correspondence

    (with telephone No./fax No./E-mail Id)

    Permanent address

    (with telephone No./fax No.)

    Educational qualifications starting

    from SSC giving details of Certificate/

    degree year & percentage of marks

    ( in a table form )

    Whether you have qualified

    NET (JRF) conducted by CSIR/UGC

    Or GATE conducted by HRD

    If yes for 8, enclose NET/GATE
    : Certificate enclosed / Not

    Eligibility certificate / Score card.

    Year of passing

    Valid till

    10.  Research / Work experience after M.Sc / M.Tech

    Year of completion of M.Sc / M.Tech

    No. of years of experience
    From ……….. to …………

    Field experience, if any

    Whether any papers have been

    Published / communicated.

    Your reason to leave the present position

    Write a few words about your

    interest in research

    How many hours in a day can

    you devote for research?

    Are you prepared to stay without

    College accommodation (hostel)

    14.  Are you preparing or having plans to Prepare for competitive exams like civil

    Services / bank TOFEL/GRE
    Your hobbies
    Marital status
    :  Married / Unmarried
    Do you know computers and typing?
    :   Yes / No
    If yes, for 17, give details
    Any other information you wish to
    :  Provide

    Date:                                                                          Candidate’s Signature